


 Admin please make me anonymous. This is not my confession but I'm writing on behalf of my 50 years old aunt who now seems to have mental illness due to what she has been going through. Madam or sir my aunt was a bubbly person who loved the out door life.

My aunt had a son who got stabbed to death on his first year of varsity at Johannesburg. He was my aunt's whole world so his passing made my aunt a very heavy drunk who just wanted to go out every weekend. She would go out so often that during the weekend you'd literally never find her home.

So one day while she was out drinking her sorrows away she was approached by a Nigerian guy who asked to join my aunt seeing that she was alone and so was he my aunt agreed. The guy appeared to be very loaded because he filled up the table.

My aunt on the other hand was a teacher but quit her job so that she can concentrate on drinking alcohol in peace. She drank her pension money and also ended up selling most of her furniture to feed her addiction. She wasn't only an alcoholic but she was also a gamble addict.

The guy later took my aunt home and they exchanged numbers because now they have promised each other to be drinking buddies. When he dropped her at her house he gave her R1000 and said she should by herself six pack to smooth the hang over. 

My aunt's excitement was beyond words can explain because no one had given her that much money in a very long time. She was so excited that she even offered the man her body. But he acted like a real gentleman and turned her down gently 

He promised to call her when he got home and drove off. She was so excited about the money that the next day she woke up very early to go to the salon so that she can atleast look good for the man. But she also bought alcohol because her body couldn't function well without it. Although we all knew that it was a coping mechanism for her ,it was very annoying. She had become an annoyance to the society.

But seeing her doing her hair was heart warming. My aunt went to rehab four times and when she got out she went back to her old habits so everyone got tired of trying to help her. Later on she met her Nigerian friend for drinks and instead of drinking he took her shopping for new clothes.

She says the shopping amounted to 20K and the man didn't seem to mind at all. He bought her even expensive brands. They went out a lot more together he bought her furniture in the house. The municipality had cut her electricity and he paid for it to be re instored. He was doing so much for her and all that without even sleeping with her.

He gave her a car that he claimed he bought for his late wife who only drove it once before she got sick until death took her. My aunt was becoming a better person because of this man that didn't even want to sleep with her. My aunt admits that she wanted him so bad but he wasn't interested.

He kept on saying that he wants to get to know her better and he wants the day that they get intimate to be very special. She was doing all she could to seduce him but he never fell for it. That guy used to give my aunt an allowance of 10K monthly excluding the random spoils he would do.

He then invited her over to his house one day. Which is something he has never done. My aunt knew the man for a little over six months and she didn't know where he lived. So when he invited her she was very excited and thought that maybe it is finally happening.

Upon arrival at his very gorgeous house, according to my aunt. She said the house looks absolutely beautiful from the outside . It's a huge mansion with the most amazing landscape. He was waiting for her at the front door looking amazing as always.

She says the guy was tall,dark and very handsome. She got out of the car and went inside the house. She says he opened the door for her and they walked inside. The house was different LFPt from the outside. It was dark and dull on the inside.

The man had portraits of snakes hanging and when my aunt asked he said he loves snakes with all his heart and hope she doesn't find him weird for that. They laughed it all and he offered her red wine. She says the wine tasted very weird but she didn't want to offend him so she kept quite. 

According to her the wine tasted like it had some African herb inside. Even their dinner was offish. The food tasted absolutely weird but she still kept quiet because she didn't want to offend him or make dinner awkward still. The house had a lot of trees inside and he said he loved nature that much.

Everything about the inside of the house was just wrong. She says it looked like there some kind of animals living there. Fine she kept on ignoring all the red flags and the night went by so fast because she enjoyed their conversations and loved his company.

He finally leaned in to kiss her and guess what? He spat in her mouth instead. It also felt like his tongue moved as fast as that of a snake. She says everything happened so fast she don't even get time to be shocked or process what just happened.

He then suddenly started acting nervous,saying that it was late and he didn't want her driving at too late and he gave her a big nice wooden laundry basket that looked like it was hand made. It a was a bit dirty but he said it was a gift from his mom and she told her to give it to a special woman he meets.

He asked her not to wash it and also place it where sunlight isn't direct. Anyway he quickly put down the basked and started kissing my aunt so passionately and he took of her clothes then suddenly stopped and apologised. She tried to assure him that it was okay but he insisted she puts her clothes back on and leave. 

He was getting very aggressive so she got up and put on her clothes,scared and panicky. As she drove off her ran after her with the laundry basket she had forgotten in the house. He put it in the back seat and she drove off.

When she got home she put the laundry basket in the garage and went to bed. She realised she wasn't wearing any underwear because of how fast she had to leave. She must have forgotten it there. Anyway she slept and during the night she got a sleep paralysis and a horrible dream.

She dreamt of a green snake that had red earrings and a red lipstick on sliding into her bed and started having int"course with her. It felt so real and when it left. And she passes out. In the morning she could feel her bodily changes down there that this was real and not just a dream.

She could even smell the scent of the Nigerian friend of hers on herself. But she thought maybe it could be because she was with him the previous night and maybe that's why she even had a wet dream. It's because she wanted him so bad so it lingered on her mind.

The dream continued to this day and now it's making her sick. The Nigerian man has now completely dissapeared. Everytime my aunt dreams sleeping with the snake when she wakes up she finds R1000 cash scattered in her bed. She kept this to herself for a very long time until she started getting sick.

That's when she told us the whole story and we looked into the basket and we found red earrings,red lipstick and my aunt's panty. The one she thought she had forgotten at that man's house.

We've tried getting rid of the basket but it always comes back and we don't understand how. We've consulted and they are all telling us that she has married a snake and tied her soul to it and only a Nigerian sangoma can help her. My aunt is very sick admin and followers and we are begging for help.

If there's any Nigerian sangoma in here who is based in South Africa please leave comment or inbox witches and wizards