



Everytime I come to your page admin I just shake with fear and a lot of regret. I should've done something the minute I suspected my baby daddy doing evil to his own family. Maybe I could have saved his mom and siblings.

His dad is still alive only because he worked far from home so the ritual always missed him. Admin please don't make a mistake of not hiding me. I dated the love of my life for many many years,all the way from high school, through varsity and straight to our unemployed years. I loved him so much and he was the one that took my innocence.

I came from an average family and his mother was our helper. I loved and adored that woman. She was the only one at home who knew about my relationship with her son and she supported us and guided us. My parents only found out after varsity when I was pregnant when it was time to report the pregnancy. My parents took my baby daddy as one of their own kids so they were very angry finding out that he had impregnated me.

They felt very betrayed and it didn't help that his Mom knew. This resulted in his mom losing her job.Okay fine that's not the point. We continued with our relationship and everyday my baby daddy became more and more desperate to provide for his mom and siblings. His dad was one of those men who went to Gauteng looking for a job and ended up marrying another woman there and never returning home.

Because of such a situation my baby daddy developed so much anger. We had a son and I eventually moved in at his house because my parents wouldn't let us be. They would even refuse for him to see his son so I left home and stayed with him and his family.

Baby daddy was someone who had a digestive system that only wanted him to go to the toilet at night. Around 3 am or so. The toilet was an outside toilet and at first I was scared for him thinking about all the witchcraft stories we were told that weird things happen during that time of the night. He didn't seem to be bothered and eventually I got used to that habit of his.

We were struggling a lot but atleast we had our son's social grant money which assisted a lot in ensuring that we always have maize meal no matter what. If we didn't have relish then we would make soft porridge and sleep on it. One night my baby daddy went to the toilet and never returned.

I heard him go out that night but soon after that I think I fell into a very deep sleep. Next thing when I woke up my baby daddy wasn't in bed. But I just assumed that maybe he woke up early. My morning routine went as normal. It was around 11 am that I started being concerned and I asked his Mom and siblings if they had seen him and surprisingly no one had seen him.

Let me try to cut the long story short. We reported him missing at the police station the next day and on the 7th day when I woke up in the morning he was sleeping right next to me wearing the same clothes he had the day he left ,only that they were now very dirty and so was he,as if he was digging graves.

I used to scold him for getting into bed with dirty feet but that morning I was happy to see him. It didn't even matter how dirty he had made the sheets. I screamed with joy and his mom came running and we both cried. But he was emotionless, it was as if he wasn't even there and he ignored us. 

We wanted answers but we were not getting anything from him except for him asking for food and water. He looked tired and hungry so we prepared him food. His mom even went to buy Chicken on credit. I prepared water for him to bath but he refused saying he can only bath on the 3rd day. 

I actually thought he had lost his mind but we held a conversation that assured me that he was fine but just needs all the rest he can get. He was acting kind of strange but I over looked all that because all I cared about was him being back.

On the third day he woke up very energised and prepared himself bathing water but it was around 3 am and he decided to even bath in the dark. I asked why he wasn't switching on the light and he said he didn't want to disturb me and his son. But there was something different in his voice. 

He was more confident and joyful. I got up and switched on the light and guess what? His body was covered in what looked like black Muti smeared all over and he had small cuts and an eye tattoo at the back of his shoulder. He ran to switch off the light and scolded me for switching on the light.

I was too shocked to even say anything. In the morning he went out and came back with a very fat black chicken. He asked everyone to gather around when he slaughter the chicken. He said it was a way for him to thank his ancestors for keeping him safe. He still didn't want to talk about where he was and said he will talk when he was ready as he was still traumatised and didn't want to keep relieving the trauma.

I was sitting next to his mom,we sat flat on the ground just as how people who Phahla(appease the ancestors) sit. I noticed that his Mom didn't look well and when I asked her she said she was just tired. When he started with slaughtering the chicken his mom looked like someone who was in so much pain.

When he was done slaughtering the chicken,his mom fainted instantly. We called an ambulance that took forever to arrive and they took her to the hospital. I went with her and he followed us. When we left she looked fine although the Doctors couldn't really see what the problem was.

The next day the hospital called us to rush to the hospital and when we got there we were told that she was no more. My baby daddy looked like someone who had seen a ghost, he cried so much and so did everyone who was there. A week after his mom's funeral he started rolling in money. He also kept his mom's room locked and forbid anyone from going in there.

Only he could go in there and what was a bit disturbing for me was how he would go there every Wednesday in the wiii hours. When I asked him about the money he suddenly had he lied and said apparently his mom had secret life covers/ policies. I believed him though because it only made sense.

A month after his mom's passing he built a mansion at his home,but left his mom's room as it was. Her room was a one room that was at the corner of the yard so it didn't stand in the way of the mansion. Not only that but he also bought himself a luxury car and paid lobola for me..

Life was fine and atleast now we left poverty behind and I had no complains. But let me tell you something strange,he had never given me money all he did was pay for everything and even buy. He also only carried cash, he didn't use his cards.

Anyway I didn't mind that he wasn't giving me money because everything I wanted he would make sure I get. The following year on the day that his Mom passed away he came home with another black chicken and said he wanted to slaughter it in remembrance of his mom.

This time his youngest little brother was in pain. He had three brothers, one older brother and two younger brothers. After slaughtering the chicken his youngest brother started vomiting uncontrollably and we rushed him to the hospital. A few hours later he was declared de@d.

I became suspicious and when I confronted him he sent me packing my bags and sent me back to my parents. He said I called him a witch and he couldn't be with a woman who doubted him. But a few weeks later we fixed and I went back to the mansion.

Life continued until the following year, around that time he came home with another black Chicken. This time I put my foot down and refused for him to slaughter it. He was very furious but eventually gave in and let the chicken go.

But since that day he started having shortage of breathe as if someone was strangling him. He would get nightmares and he was always saying he can hear loud drums that time he would be the only one who would hear them.

One morning while I was asleep he got out of bed and slaughtered a black chicken,I don't even know where he got it because we let the previous one go. He slaughtered it and went back to bed as if nothing happened.

I found a few black feathers and blood stains on his side of the bed to show that he did this even against my wish. That day his older brother never woke up from his sleep. That's how his older brother passed away. I started being very scared of him because what if I was next? He scared me so I packed my bags and went back home without even arguing and he didn't even try to stop me.

But I loved him so much so I kept going back but only to visit. I couldn't live there anymore I was just a one night guest and we got used to that. The following year his last brother passed away during the very same time and now more than ever I was convinced he knew what he was doing.

I was pregnant with our second baby when his last brother passed away and I knew our sons were next. I needed to do something about this so I can protect my children. I went to a sangoma to protect my kids and he told me straight that this might result into my baby daddy losing his mind or dying. It had to be him and not my kids.

The following year during that time he commited suicide. And according to neighbours they say they heard very loud drums and weird animal sounds coming from the mansion the whole night and in the morning they saw smoke coming from there and realised that his mom's room was burning.

They called the police and that's how his body was discovered in there. I still see a psychologist because this is trauma that I will never heal from. I've been single since his passing and I doubt I'll ever date again.