


 I am coming forward with a heavy heart and a part of me keeps telling me that by coming forward I'm putting my life at risk. I am in so much pain and it is emotional pain that almost feels like it's personal. I need saving my life is a mess because of my own father who now sleeps with me and no one believes me.

My father is a wealthy taxi owner and a pastor. The fact that he is a pastor makes my truth unbelievable. He has two big dogs that are only visible at night. During the day you'll never see them you'll only hear them barking.

My mom died in her sleep and it was called a natural death. What people don't know is that my mom died days before the actual date that my dad made people. My mom died on Monday morning before I went to school. I was in grade 8 back then.

She is usually the first one to wake up. She was a high school teacher at a school that's far from our home. She used to drive two hours to her place of work and for her to get there in time she needed to leave the house before sunset.

She would wake up and make everyone lunch boxes and breakfast before leaving. She was such a happy soul always and my dad was unemployed just a pastor. However he is the one that took her to school so she can become a teacher.

When my mom started working she bought him a taxi so that he can keep himself busy during the week. My dad is a very lazy man who just wants to laze around the house so he wasn't putting in too much efforts in making his taxi Business a success. 

Time went by and one day he came home with his mother's doek wrapped around a stick and it had what looked like muti. He put the stick on top of the kitchen counter. My mom and I saw it in the morning when we were getting ready for our day that morning.

We didn't touch it. Later that day after school when I got home I was told my grandmother collapsed and died that morning. Mom and I were suspicious but we couldn't say anything. On that very Sunday, two weird couple came to church and offered my dad a job with his taxi. The couple drove a flashy car but they didn't look rich. 

Their attire screamed "whatever". Anyway it was just weird how my dad's Church was now becoming very full with people every Sunday and none of the people were known where we live. It looked like they were people from far. And the people didn't even look rich but their offerings were big. So my dad's luck had just suddenly became amazing.

Two years later his luck started running out and the church was no longer as full as it got recently. One Monday morning I found the very same stick on the kitchen counter but this time it had my mom's underwear 😭. It gave me a huge ivalo.

I ran to my mom's room, I thought she was getting dressed only for me to find her in bed cold. My dad stormed in the room furious and told me to leave her alone she was not going to work that day because she hardly slept as she was complaining about not feeling well.

I tried explaining to him that she was too cold to still be alive plus there was no pulse and he rubbished my explanation and told me to get ready for school or I'll be late my mom will be fine by the time I was back from school.

I was kinda scared of my dad so I did as I was told and went to school. After school he wouldn't let me see her he said she was resting I should allow her to get stronger,he kept their room locked. This went on for about 4 days and on Friday after school I found our house full of people.

That was when he finally decided to tell everyone that my mom passed away that morning. What a lying pastor I thought to myself. But I didn't say anything until today right now as I'm sharing this. Never spoken to anyone about this.

What was weird about my mom's funeral was that none of the children she taught or colleagues arrived for her funeral. There was no memorial service even. Since her passing I think I still hear her getting ready for work every morning.

The soft bangs and movements she used to make in the very early hours are still there every single morning but when I wake up they suddenly stop. My father refused to give anyone any of my mom's clothes or shoes even myself.

He still keeps them in their room but now their room remains locked at all times. He never makes the mistake of leaving it unlocked wherether he is home or not. Another thing is he is the only one who identified her body and he refused anyone for body viewing on Friday evening.

No one saw if it was really my mom in that coffin. Since my mom's passing his church is now always full again with those strange looking people and he now even has more taxis and the drivers of his taxis are very weird looking people who never speaks.

When they bring checking they always avoid eye contact with me. There are other nights when I'm sleeping I'll dream of being sexually active with my dad and when I wake I'll have semen everywhere and I would smell like my dad too. The following day after the dream he will avoid me by all means.

A few months ago I went to the school that my mom teaches and I think I saw my mom in a flesh there. I also saw her car parked outside but I got so scared I didn't even go in. I was going there to find out if they knew that my mom passed away. The school is pretty far in a very isolated village.

When I got home I stupidly told my father what I had seen and he got very angry he almost killed me by strangling me. I saw his eyes turn Red while he was looking in my eyes. Then he let go of me and walked away. We have never spoken about it ever since.

All we do now is avoid each other. Am I going crazy or is my dad upto no good?