



Many of you will judge me and it's okay because I'm judging myself too. From a very early age I knew that my family was not a normal family but I didn't understand what was going on or even what to make out of it.

We lived in a two roomed mud house but we were saved by an RDP from the government so we moved into it but the mud house remained. Before we got the RDP house we would sleep in the two room house as family of 8 people. When I was younger I used to dream of the two room house being so full with people that I didn't even. Know.

I would see my mom,aunt and grandmother talking to the people and sometimes they would be congratulating them while on other times they would be very angry at the people and even beating them up. But the people used to look funny they used look like zombies who were controlled by remote.

All that time I thought I was dreaming. I would see my mom,granny and aunt opening the door for those weird looking people telling them to go do their job and bring results. Then in the early hours of the morning they would open the doors for them letting them in. Some would be congratulated while others got a beating as I said.

Then those people would then get into a very large pot that was at the corner of one of the rooms. The pot was big, those huge fire pits with three legs that were usually used for large gatherings. That pot has always been there for aslong as I remember and from a young age we were told to never go near it or even touch it.

As I grew older my mom and grandmother then revealed everything to me as they said I am now old enough to join them. What I had thought was just a bed dream was indeed reality that came while I was in deep sleep and that's how I concluded it was just a dream everytime. I was only 13 when I was formally introduced to witchcraft.

I was taken to the forest far from houses during initiation schools. But I wasn't taken to the normal initiation school. We were at a witchcraft initiation,but my family told everyone else that I went to initiation school at another province. I was there for three weeks,I wasn't alone there were other people.

We were treated so well,we were taken care off and given royal treatment. There were servants there who cooked and cleaned for us. We literally did nothing there. But the servants were people who had passed away. I recognized a few of them because they were from my village and they had all passed away. No matter what happened I have never heard them say a word.

They worked in total silence. Even when you try to talk to them they would never answer you and another thing about them is that they would never look at you in the eyes. They were always walking around with their faces facing the ground.

At that place we were taught how to enter people's yards even their houses. We learned how to walk past through any door even when locked and how to walk through walls. Yes solid walks are nothing to us. We've made walk ins even in pastors houses. We used to wait for darkness to come then we would go to the cemetery(grave yard) to begin with training.

We trained with dead people. We learned how to wake them up and make them tikoloshis. The truth is Tikoloshis are mostly spiritual partners. If we want a spiritual partner for anyone then we had to use a tikoloshis with the very same surname. That way it is even easier to have access to that particular person.

It's very dangerous for people to go to the graveyards and be communicating with the dead and also inviting them into their lives and their homes. That is where we come in. That is exactly what's making our tasks easy. We use your deceased relatives to gain trust and access in a form of a dream. 

The reason why they are able to even get closer to you in your sleep is because of the bloodline connection. We also make sure when you wake up the next day you forget their faces. We also use them to feed you food in your dreams. the food you think you are eating in your dreams are actually real poo mixed with herbs to slow plant bad luck and a downfall in your life.

Even the great intercourse in your dreams also slows your entire life down. It's not even intercourse it's just bad omen muti inserted through your priv@te organs. Even as I am writing this we are still doing it but I am so tired of all this. The problem with this is because the sacrifice you are making here is your own success.

You'll also have no future and all you do because you are bitter is watch who seems to be doing well in their lives so that you can attack. I am so tired I need help but it's not easy as it is a generational thing and it's in the blood. There's nothing fun in carrying iscitho at night and having to deliver it where it should it. Iscitho smells and that's why many people who have it smell bad too.

I will go through the comments for contacts of anyone who can save me from my own family. If they see this I might be gone by the time it's posted but please post it I might get help before they see it.