


 "I know this might be hard to believe, but I need your help. I'm a 33 year old girl from Limpopo. My father passed away in 1999 when I was just a kid. In 2017, I was admiring some beautiful corn at my aunt's place when another girl told me that my father was the one who planted it. She said that people in the community know that my father is a zombie and works for my aunt. I didn't believe her, as I knew my father died from hiccups.

In 2019, I was pregnant, and my mother took me to church because I needed protection. The church told me that I didn't need anything, I just had to avoid using muti, and I would give birth perfectly fine. They then told my mom that someone was calling her from the mountain, trying to turn her into a zombie. She confessed that she could hear strange noises in her head, like insects playing, and would sometimes lose her mind. She would also have nightmares non-stop while sleeping.

They gave her something, but we didn't take it seriously. The next day, she woke up, went to buy bread, and got hit by a car. She didn't get badly injured, but she eventually died. During her burial, I felt like I wanted to sleep, and when I closed my eyes, I heard my mom telling me not to take revenge for her death. I woke up crying and only told my brother.

The problem is that I keep having dreams about my mom calling me. Since we buried her, I've been feeling like I'm having the same strange thoughts and nightmares she had. I always dream about collecting firewood in the bush and sending them to my aunt. I think these people might be trying to turn me into a zombie too, and I feel like they've already taken control of my mind. Please help me!"