



Please hide my name Admin. I have been reading many of the confessions on your page and I can finally say after 40 years of my being ,my grandfather's behavior now finally makes sense.

My grandfather was a very strong traditional healer well known world wide. People from as far as other countries would come consult at home. He was well known and feared. Some of the things that he used to do screamed danger but we overlooked them because he used his ancestors as an excuse all the time.

And we believed him because tradition was everything to him. Even the most strongest healers used to come to our home for consulting just never knew what they needed help with exactly. Most times I just assumed they were being bewitched and needed to be healed.

The way my grandfather was popular, there was always a long cue of people needing his assistance. Some even used to sleep there in their cars waiting for their turn. We never really got involved because he never wanted any help from us. Especially us males of the family.

My grandfather was very wealthy. He built us a triple story huge mansion. But he has never set foot in the mansion. He lived in a very small hut at the back that no one could enter except his wives on certain nights even. He also had a very small pit toilet that was very far from the house but in the yard.

The pit toilet had no windows or any space for air. You'd never see what's inside the pit. It was extremely small and it was built with mountain stones. It looked more like a cage than anything.

Everyone respected that toilet and we all knew that only women on their periods were allowed to use it. He used to say that he made it specially for them because he doesn't want them to contaminate his is ancestor's things. Which made sense. 

I only went inside that toilet when it had just been built and from there on never went anywhere near it as per instructed. Only women and my grandfather would go to that toilet. But I heard from one of my cousins that when you get Inside the toilet and close the door it gets very Cold.

Also down there in the pit feels like something is moving. There's also the sound of waterfall in there although when they would peak to see what's inside there ,they would see nothing because it would be very dark. 

He was very selective as to who enters the toilet. It's not just any woman on their periods. My grandfather was a polygamist with five wives. Of all his wives only two were allowed to enter and the two don't have children to this day.

Not just that ,but every family I knew that went in that pit toilet everytime they were on their periods never had children. When my grandfather passed away ,they consulted different sangomas on their different spiritual journey where they were told that they had eggs of a certain animal in their wombs. 

It's scary how no one can remove those eggs and how they experience certain symptoms on their bodies. They experience spiritual husbands, they experience stagnation in their lives and also they experience so much hate from people who don't even know them.

These people even go as far as experiencing mental loss once in a while. It's so bad that I am glad my grandfather died before I had kids because I only have daughters and surely he would've used them too. Apparently he drew his powers from the eggs of the women he used.

When he died the toilet collapsed and a dry skin of a snake (not sure what it is called in English) was found there aswell.