


My maid from Lesotho has really shocked me and hurt me in ways that I can't even explain. Her mother used to work for my parents and during holidays she would come visit her mom at my parent's house. Her mom lived in a backroom that was really small. So whenever her daughter came to visit I would invite her to sleep in my room with me.

That's how much I really liked her. I was just two years older so I had found myself a bestfriend or so I thought. I was very fond of her that whenever she visited I'd ask my dad to take us to drop us at the cinema and pick us up later once we've watched a movie and had lunch. I used to even go as far as Sharing my clothes and accessories with her and when she went back home.

I'd give her some of my clothes and sometimes I'd buy her a new nice outfit just to add on the old clothes she got from me.  As we grew older I got married and she came to visit her mom as she was now old enough to work,so that time she was there because she was looking for a job. That excited me so much because I had just had a baby and was soon going back to work meaning I would need a nanny.

I asked her if she would be comfortable working in my house and she was so glad that I asked because according to her she wanted to work as kind as I was. We were both excited about this. I remember being heavily pregnant driving around with her to go choose her own bedroom decor. I really wanted her to be as comfortable as she can.

I even told her not to bother about wearing the maid uniform. I told her to wear whatever she wanted to. I also told her that there's no waking up early in the morning to do her job, aslong as the job gets done then there's no starting time nor knock off time.

The truth is I didn't trust my husband but I trusted her with my whole life and deep down I knew that my husband might make moves on her but I also believed that she would put him in his place. I hid one big secret from her,not only her but my parents too. I hid that my husband cheated on me endless times until he got infected with HIV which he ended up infecting me.

I clearly knew that my husband might make moves on her because she was a beautiful girl with a very beautiful body so I knew it could get to that but I thought she would tell me and I was going to be honest with her. I've wanted to tell her about my status for so long but I was scared.  

I didn't know where to start but with her moving in with us I knew at some point I'd need to tell her,I was just waiting for the right moment. The way I loved and considered her as my little sister I took the responsibility of bathing my baby everyday and also taking him to and from creche.

I did that so that she can have enough time to do the chores and rest afterwards. When my maternity leave was over I took my child to kindergarten same time. My son started kindergarten at exactly 6 months just so my sister could rest and work at her own pace.

Little did I know that she was sleeping with my husband behind my back. They made a fool of me and I didn't even see anything. My friend started off by using Muti on me and my husband. She didn't need Muti to seduce my husband,he is the weakest man I know so even without Muti she would've gotten him.

Whenever she cooked she would sprinkle muti in my food so that I don't get intimate with my husband. She put on me what is called ischitho. Ischitho makes you carry bad luck everywhere,it makes people dislike you for no reason and essentially it makes your partner not want you anymore.

My husband even went as far as moving from our room to the guest room. They would literally get intimate while I was in the next room and I wouldn't even hear anything. I guess I would be too tired. Anyway my friend would have gotten away with it if she didn't get sick.

Her health deteriorated very quickly and I ended up taking her to the hospital. I believe she got infected because my husband refused to take his pills. That man refused from day one to take his medication. She was just at the hospital for a week and I was called in and told that she had unfortunately passed away.

I have never cried that much in my life. I was hurt and going through the most heartbreaking thing of my life. I had lost the biggest part of me. They gave me her belongings including phone and I took them to her mother. Her mother gave me the phone to keep as a reminder of our friendship.

I put it away in the safe because it would delay my healing. But let me tell you one thing that became very strange when I returned from her funeral. I met a 9 month little girl who looked exactly like my son and they said she was my maid's child. I didn't even know that she fell pregnant while working for me. 

I remember her taking a whole month leave to go home because she said she was renovating her parent's house and she needed to be there or the builders will do a rushed work and I didn't suspect foul play. But when I count back that's definitely the month she gave birth. But still even with her daughter looking like my son I still didn't suspect anything.

However the day we packed her things from her room there were so many signs that she had a man in her life but she's never said anything to me about that man. I also found my underwear wrapped with Muti and some weird looking sticks. There was a lot of different Muti in her room but she had told me before that she's very traditional so I didn't suspect a thing still.

The day I fetched her things from the hospital,the Dr's told me that she had AIDS and as the people who lived with her we should consider testing too. Since I returned from her funeral i would dream about her coming to tell me that my husband was her first and he is the one who infected her. 

In her dream she was very angry at me for not telling her the truth about our status. She kept on saying how much I betrayed her and led her to her de@th. I kept getting that dream twice a week and it was getting a little too much. It started feeling like maybe she was trying to communicate something,I started thinking that maybe my husband r@ped her. 

I decided to have the courage to take her phone and go through it. Let me tell you now that, they were love birds. They even had nude pictures in my bed. Huge transfers of money from my husband, sweet messages. They would even text each other while I was sitting with them.

They even had a nickname for me,I was called the old monkey. Even today I am still saying yoh! I wish she didn't die,I have so much anger I want to take out on her for taking advantage of my kindness. Her mom was shocked when I showed her the proof of their affair in my phone,she even fainted.

As im writing this I have finally divorced that good for nothing man. Be very careful who you let in your homes ladies. No one can be trusted I swear.