


 Hi Admin please keep me anonymous.

Yoh on the topic of ghosts I felt like I also needed to share my experience with them. They do exist it's very true and sometimes you won't even know that they are ghosts. Some of them look like normal people I kid you not.

So, years back we used to live at a certain village that's best known for its witchcraft. Apparently back in the days that's where only elderly generations used to live. More like your black old age home only that it came in a form of a village. But by the time I was born the younger generation had joined but they also were a part of the witchy witch Nation.

We lived there because my father was appointed as the principal of a school there so we had to move to make his life easier as this was an opportunity to better our lives. My mom was pregnant with me when they moved there though.

Anyway fast forward to when I was grown and playing in the dusty streets. Our neighbors were only old people on both sides. We lived on the main road. On our left side lived an old couple and the grandmother was very sweet and shy and the oupa was rude and strict.

He did not want anyone in his yard,even looking at his house was a big sin. He would curse at you the whole day and night if he found you looking at his house or yard. On the other side lived two elderly female siblings. One was blind and the other was taking care of the blind. 

They were more of introverts you'd hardly see them outside. But one thing I can tell you about both our neighbors is that they very well h@ted each other whole heartedly. They didn't even talk at all. If they somehow saw each other they would insult each other till dawn without resting.

As mentioned above that we lived on the main road angithi? So our three houses were a high accident zone. I mean every single year an accident would happend right Infront of our gates and most times children would be involved and they wouldn't survive.

If they were not in the car then they would get hit by a car. The villagers came together to pray for the spot so many times but the more they prayed the severe the accidents, claiming more lives.

What my family and I found weird was that each time those car accidents took place the elders o. Both sides would never be home. They both had roundavel hut 🛖 at the back of their houses. The huts had one big tinted windows. The huts looked the same. 

Apparently those neighbors were related and they shared a father. And the other one was their makoti married by their half brother whom she lived with. So we just assumed that those huts were built before they resented each other for whatever reasons. Children from polygamy most times didn't get along so their situation wasn't much of shock that they couldn't stand each other.

The h@te mostly comes from their mothers. Anyway we had an outside toilet and no inside toilet so sometimes you find yourself going to the toilet unplanned at night. We would always see candles lit around the huts and others inside. On the window we would see people inside,like a lot of people.

A lot of people complained about this until one night the villagers decided that instead of praying at our gates they want to see what's inside the huts. They forced opened the huts and they found all the children that died in accidents happening at our gates.

Apparently it was also discovered that the duos hated each other because they would fight over the ghosts. Well I saw the children from a distance because our parents locked us in the house so we could only see bits and pieces through the window.

We moved from the village to town since the incident. Apparently my elder sibling who was hit by a car when she was 14 was also found amongst the others. Unfortunately they couldn't revive any of the kids since they were already dead.

All that could be done was just to pray for them and perform rituals to lay them to rest for good and they just dissapeared. The elders were burnt to ashes and the police only arrived much much later when it was already too late.