


 Please help me and hide my identity. 

I am seeking help for my older sister who joined witchcraft and now the payback time is hurting the entire family. 

We didn't know that she was a witch and the things we found out that she is capable of are very scary. My sister bewitched her bestfriend out of jealousy. We suspect that being jealous of her led her to doing witchcraft.

My sister's friend is just someone who has always had good luck in life plus she is a hard worker so everything worked well for her because of that. My sister's friend was not employed but she made sure she gets an income.

She was a hustler and through her hustles she managed to build her mother a house and also buy herself a car. A few years later she got married to a successful man who took her to school then bought her a Mansion in town. My sister on the other hand was just a very lazy person who had spoilt brats tendency.

She used to act like the world owed her success without her lifting a finger. I don't know Neh but she used to consult sangomas a lot which is very weird because we were raised by a prayer warrior. Listen my sister was once involved in a car accident years ago and when her money by RAF came out she packed her bags and moved to her baby daddy's home.

She built renovated her baby daddy's house and bought them new furniture. Let me not leave the part when she bought him a car aswell. A lot happened but I don't want to dwell too much on that because I believe she did it out of love.

When she ran out of money the baby daddy started treating her bad until she decided to come back home. We welcomed her home and life went on but we could see that she had changed a lot and was a bitter person. She was always angry and locked herself in her room all day everyday.

She would only get out of her room at night while we were sleeping to go eat and we would hear her bathing outside in the early hours of the morning. There was a time we went the whole month without seeing her yet we lived in the same house.

Little did we know that everytime we went to bed she went out to perform her witchcraft. This news broke my mom so much the night my sister was caught naked at night in her friend's house with Muti in her hands. The community was very angry they wanted to burn my mom's house.

They came to the house and demanded to search the whole house ,I'm not sure what they were hoping to find but when they entered her room I almost fainted. Her room looked exactly like the witches sacred rooms from a Nigerian movie. Her best friend's pictures were on the wall with colourful wools. 

Not just that but there was also her panty which my sister used to wrap a dead lizard and her baby daddy's picture and his wife. She had a R200 note that was drawn a knife on it with a red ink and guess what her bestfriends baby shower photo with a picture of a coffin next to it.

And vele her bestfriend was pregnant but lost her baby. There were also colourful candles everywhere with so much Muti in there. The room didn't even smell good because she also had stored her bestfriends used pads. My mom fainted guys and since that day the community wanted us gone out of the village.

But we were being banished for things that we didn't even know at all. But the chief managed to calm the community and we were given a second chance. Now the problem we are facing is the embarassment my sister continues to put us through.

There are days when my sister parades the street naked and we don't know what to make of it. The first time it happened we thought she was losing her mind but her conversations proved us wrong. She spoke like a fully sane person so we really do not understand what this means.

She keeps doing it and it really hurts. My mom's health has even deteriorated because of everything that happened and is still happening. Sometimes my sister just wakes up in the Wii hours of the morning and just starts singing at the top of lungs unprovoked.

Could someone have performed a back to sender on her or what is happening. Please advice where we can get her help.