


 It's so funny how I am coming through most post where people assume money rituals uses only snakes to provide money. But it's funny and painful at the very same time. I have a horrible experience with such rituals and honestly I become somehow numb when I see videos and posts about money rituals.

Some videos are made just for the humour but let me tell you something about those videos,they are very close to the truth so a part of me kind of believes that the people making those skits are running away from reality or maybe trauma they had to go through.

In my family being a female child is nothing but a curse. We have this very rich uncle who sacrifices female children for his own benefit. He takes atleast two of them every year. We are even at a point where we are scared to fall pregnant or even become very scared when giving birth to a female child because we already know that chances of losing them are thick.

I don't even know how some of us survived but thank God we did. Atleast we are here to tell the horror. My uncle lives at one of those security estates in Johannesburg where people with money live. He is very wealthy and he is unemployed. 

He claims he has investments that are paying him huge sums every month. Believe me when I say money is not a problem to my uncle. He drives expensive cars,wears expensive clothes and goes to expensive trips with his wife and kids.

His wife fell pregnant some years back and my uncle asked me to come help her with small errands around the house as the pregnancy had some kind of complications so she needs all the help she can get. 

I was very excited because whom wouldn't want to live a fancy life for a couple of months? I was excited about the fancy content I'll be serving on my social media. 

I was there for a week and I realised that the was a hut at the corner of the yard at the back that looked unkept. I used to see my uncle going there mostly at night but I didn't understand why because he would wear white clothes when going there.

I started paying attention to this for sometime until one day I decided to go see what was in that hut. I waited for my uncle and aunt to go to their monthly check up at the Dr for the baby of course. I sneaked to the hut and guess what? Just getting closer to it I could feel some kind of coldness. 

It Sunday got very cold with darkness covering the skies and it looked like it was going to rain very soon. But my curiosity wouldn't let me go back into the house. I had to see what was in that hut and I had ivalo. My heart was racing I am telling you but that didn't make me turn back.

I opened the hut and I locked eyes with a human doll. The doll was definitely human I don't know if I am making sense. It was a young white girl that had black girls features. I really don't know how to explain this please. There were also pictures of the female children we lost around the hut. The doll looked scared and confused I was calm surprisingly.

On the floor was a lot of money scattered everywhere. The doll blood stains all over her as if she was eating some animal. I slowly closed the door and walked back to the main house. The closer I got to the house the hotter the weather was getting.

I felt like jumping into the swimming pool because the heat was becoming a lot. The minute I got back into the house and sat down was when I got very scared. Everything I saw was now diving in and I was shaking out of my shoes. My hair was also standing up .

I decided not to say anything to anyone not even my uncle. That night I watched him go to the hut and I buried myself in the blankets. His attitude towards me changed from that night. He sent me home the following day and we have never seen nor heard from him since that day.

My uncle used to always ask for a moment with the body whenever we had a funeral at home. This now makes us wonder what he was doing to the bodies. But since I came back from his house I keep having bad luck after bad luck,nothing goes my way at all. I think it's a curse from him.

I've shared the video that reminded me of this incident,the doll kind of looks like that one in the video.https://www.facebook.com/share/r/P6axp3chwkCaSBKy/