


Rituals often weave themselves into the fabric of our daily lives, carrying significance beyond the ordinary. Recently, I decided to incorporate a powerful money ritual, utilizing the unbreakable bond I share with my daughter. As we gathered our materials—a green candle symbolizing prosperity and coins to represent abundance—I could feel the energy shifting in the room, a palpable excitement lingering in the air. It was a moment steeped in intention, connection, and hope.

We began by lighting the candle, allowing its warm glow to illuminate our thoughts and aspirations. Together, we visualized the flow of financial abundance entering our lives, imagining it like golden rays of sunshine cascading around us. My daughter’s laughter echoed, mixing with the seriousness of our shared purpose, reinforcing the trust and belief we both needed in this magical moment. Each coin we placed in a small bowl became a token of our dreams, each one representing a goal, a wish, or an opportunity waiting to manifest.

As the ritual unfolded, I couldn’t help but reflect on the lessons of abundance I was imparting to her, the importance of gratitude and the energy we put into our desires. It wasn’t merely a fleeting act; it was a bonding experience rich in spirituality and familial love. Our hearts aligned in this endeavor, reminding us that the universe responds to our beliefs, especially when expressed with genuine sincerity. In nurturing this ritual, we not only beckoned financial prosperity but also deepened our connection, fostering an understanding that magic thrives where intention meets love.

We enjoyed performing the ritual together and our hearts were filled with so much joy and hope. We thought we had finally gotten it right for the first time in our lives. We thought now we could sleep peacefully without worrying about what's for dinner the next or even where are we going to get money to sort out needs out.

See,we had tried many money rituals beforehand and at the end of every ritual we would come out more sad, down and have this dark shadow over us and to us that was a sign that our financial problems are far from being over. That night was very different,we didn't understand why but we were happier and had so much faith that this time the results would be different.

But ofcos we were told not to speak to each other after the ritual. We were told to head straight to bed and we could start speaking the next day. We went to bed happy and satisfied. We both had beeming us to show that we couldn't wait to talk about what just happened but we knew we had to wait till the next day.

While sleeping that night,I was woken up by a loud bang from the roof to the ground. It was as if something heavy and big had fallen down to our room from the sky. I could only have my eyes opened but I surprisingly couldn't move. It was as if I was tied to my bed and my voice was also gone. I couldn't scream for help.

I suddenly saw a huge snake, extremely huge snake climbing on our bed and heading straight to my daughter. I saw the snake curling itself around my daughter and doing things I can't even explain. I saw the snake unaliving my poor baby and I was helpless. I couldn't move nor scream. She was also not fighting back but just laying down there as the snake did as it pleased.

I started feeling dizzy and fell asleep. The next day when I woke up I was so happy to see my daughter still sleeping next to me and in one piece. I sighed with so much relief because it meant that was just a bad dream. As usual I'm always the first one to get out of bed. I got out of bed and went to brush my teeth and wash my face.

When I was done I went to our small kitchen to make breakfast. I was met with a huge shock,I found a box that looked like a coffin which was opened and inside it had a lot of money in it . It was actually a coffin made out of hard paper. It was on our table and I screamed with so much joy.

After several screams I realised that my daughter was not coming to see what was the noise all about and knowing her she would've ran to see what was happening because she was curious like that. But she wasn't coming so I ran to our room to wake her up.

My daughter did not respond,she was laying cold in our bed. I called for help and she was declared dead. To this day no one knows the cause of death so it was declared a natural cause. The dream and pile of money keeps haunting me. I know we've always wanted to have lots of money but it would have been nice if we spent it together.

All these Money brought was sadness and heartaches. I really don't want any of it. I gave my daughter a very dignified funeral using the money and it still feels like a dream. I always wonder if she ever called my name to help her or if she was in pain when she passed. I will never have the answers to that and it breaks me everyday. She was all I had and I miss her every second.