


 Please hide me Adzi.

I come here with a very heavy heart. My mother in-laws has put a curse on my children and she knew exactly what she did but has always made me feel like a failed mother. I gave birth to two boys with special needs.

When I gave birth to them they were fine with no problems. My mother in-law came to my house when I was discharged back home and she was there to help me out with the house chores and the kids. She would bath them,feed them and do their weekly laundry until they were three months.

At three months she would go back to her home and a few days after she leave they both got very sick. Mind you they are not twins, so basically my children went through the same suffering and the same stage of their lives just in different years.

But everytime they would fall that sick and I'd call my mother in law for help she would never show up until a month later. She would even ignore my calls. A month later when she shows up my kids would be fine again but with damaged brains. 

I'm an orphan,I met my husband in varsity and his mother never approved of our relationship from the word go. She didn't even attend our wedding but came a year later to apologise for not attending our wedding even after we literally begged her. We begged for her blessings until we decided to just let her be.

When I fell pregnant my husband then told her but she never came nor supported us. Only when I gave birth she showed up to help us. We were so happy thinking that finally we have won her over. Little did we know that she was plotting against us.

Me to be specific. So I started attending this other church after a colleague of mine advised me to take my kids there. They revealed that my kids sicknesses were man made and not their natural stature. They even said it was a spell from someone very close to my husband.

I suspected my mother in-law because my husband doesn't have friends or anyone he's close to. But I kept it to myself because I didn't want to upset my husband. However he allowed me to use the water I got from the church to bath the kids,clean and cleanse the house.

My kids were getting better and making so much progress in development. My husband got over excited and called his mother to share the news with her. From that day my mother in-law started calling me out of the blue just to swear at me and called me names such a witch and all those horrible names.

She would sometimes call even in the middle of the night and she sounded like someone who was in pain. But when we rushed to her house so late at night we would find her sitting comfortably with no signs of pain.

Until this one time she called me screaming for help and we didn't take her serious because she has done that so many times before only to find that she was fine. It was only when her neighbour called my husband that we rushed there and we found her in a very bad state.

She had bl00d all over her body as if she was fighting with someone or something. She was laying on the floor unconscious. We arrived there at the same time with a the ambulance that the neighbours called. Her house looked like a war zone. Everything was turned upside down. The paramedics said they suspect a mental problem because the cuts on her body looked like self inflicted scars.

Did I mention that my kids were really scared of her? Even when she came to visit you'd tell that they were horrified of her just that they couldn't speak. She was taken to the hospital and indeed diagnosed with a mental illness.

My kids were 7 and 12 at that time but I saw smiles on their faces when they saw their grandmother in that state. Anyway the next day I went back to the house to clean for her and put her house back in order.

In her bedroom under her bed I found a big box that had weird things inside including a doll. Red wool made scarfs, black things that looks like burnt coal,hair,sanitary pad that's used and also a piece of paper with my sons name on it. 

There's also what looks like dried wood, egg shells and a small bottle with oil inside. I've shared the video with you and I am heartbroken at this sight. While I was still shocked looking at what I found a call came in from my husband telling me that he's at the hospital and his mom has passed away.

I took the box home with me and showed it to him because I didn't know what to do. I also took the box to church. The pastor is the one that touched everything in there and on the doll we found a Photo of myself with what looked like it was smeared with poo all over it.

My sons can now talk and hear properly. The doctors can no longer detected the water they said were in their brains. This whole thing has brought so much tension in my marriage. My husband can no longer look me in the eyes. 

My once happy marriage is now crumbling and I don't know what to do anymore.