


 Sometimes tradition can make you make the worst mistakes in life. My family and I invited a very evil spirit in our home unaware. Yes the spirit brings money and luck but we suffer a lot behind closed doors. 

My dad passed away in a car accident a few years ago. He was a truck driver and his truck fell off a bridge,at first we suspected that since he was a hard worker and rested very little he could've fallen asleep and the truck took its own turn. But all that changed when we arrived at the police station not far from where the accident happened and we were taken to go see the truck.

It was towed to the police station not sure if it was for investigation purposes but that's  where the truck was towed to. The police there told us that the bridge that my dad passed away at is a very high accident zone. They have tried insterting speed humps because they thought maybe speed is the reason there's so many accidents happening but that too didn't help.

Apparently my dad's accident in that years was the 87th accident that resulted in his death being the 58th. This shocked us all because my dad got the accident on the 9th of May. We were just imagining how many more would happen by the end of the year.

Anyway we are a very traditional family and the accident happened very very far from home,in a different province. We traveled 6 hours straight to get to where it all happened and sadly we couldn't go the same day it happened. We only went there three days later.

The reason we went there was because we wanted to collect his spirit and take it back home. In our tradition that's what we do and it is said that it is to help the spirit clear the area they had passed away at and prevent causing more accidents.

We did the ritual of collecting his spirit and led it it back home. That was definitely the worst mistake of our lives. We collected my dad's spirit together with another spirit. 

When we arrived home that day we did the ritual of letting my dad's spirit know that we have arrived home where he belonged. We told him that his body will be coming home on Friday evening and it should reunite with its body but for now his spirit can quietly stay with us at home and watch the preparation of his burial.

Everything was fine before we brought back the spirit and everything else changed when we brought home the spirit. There was always arguments going on , people accusing each other of my dad's death. People who were once kind to each other were just being mean to each other. It was the worst funeral preparation ever.

It even ended up in one family member being poisoned. So there was another death that took place within the family Just two days before the funeral. It was just the worst time of our lives and to this day we still don't know who poisoned my aunt.

As if that was enough,on Saturday of the funeral there was an after tears that went on till the early hours of Sunday morning. We as a family were to tired so we went to bed and left everyone who still had the energy to celebrate my dad's life. We didn't even hear when everyone left.

We were woken up by the elderly neighbours who came early to help with washing pots and putting back everything as it was before the funeral. That's the kind of Ubuntu we have where we come from. We woken up by their loud screams of terror.

They found a body with a bottle wound laying there lifeless. So that sums up to two deaths in our yard just a few days apart. We were now very terrified and it didn't make sense as to how did we get there. That is the day our home became a mini slaughter house.

A couple of days later we found a huge bag full of money in the garage. We assumed it belonged to my dad because the garage was his favourite place. He spent most of his time there so we just thought maybe he hid it there. We found it while unpacking his things.

Spending that money was also another mistake. From the day we took out some money to build a wall around the yard, we started getting an uninvited guest who tortured us every single night. Every night we would hear weird sound coming from the roof,as if someone was walking on the roof. 

We would even hear when the person flew down from the roof to the ground. At night while we were sleeping we would hear footsteps in the house,doors banging, pots in the kitchen making sounds. It was just a lot.

It got worse when that thing started sleeping with us taking turns on different nights. It didn't matter whether you were male of female,old or young but it would have its way with anyone it wanted. It would come as a dream and when you wake up you'd be smelling the exact smell you had in the dream and the would be unpleasant liquids coming out from our priv@te parts.

Every six months a body is discovered in our yard and a few days later we find the bag of money again. Then we started being suspicious. Sometimes we would be looking at ourselves in the mirror and see a shadow of a person passing by behind us. We moved out the day my baby sis who was 12 at that time told us that she had a dream of my dad telling her that we took him and a very evil man home now the man will finish us one by one.

In the dream she says my dad had packed bags for everyone telling us to leave the money in the bag and stop using it and relocate. After moving We put up the house for sale but no one bought it. We ended up renting it out but our tenants don't even stay long. 

They move in this month and by next week they are out. I am writing in this group seeking for someone who can help us cleanse the house. We've tried many prophets,pastors and sangomas and nothing worked. Please 🥺 🙏 someone who knows a very strong pastor or traditional healer please comment with their numbers and name. Thank you.