I have every reason to believe that my grandmother from my father's side was a witch. May her soul rest in perfect peace. There has always been rumours about my granny but to me she was a sweet someone.
Even with the bad rumours I still saw only the good in her. My father worked well and if anything my grandmother didn't want was for him to get married and start a life without her.
I've heard from my mom's side that my grandmother is the reason my mom is no more. I never took it serious because she took very good care of me I don't want to lie. It was when my dad passed away in a car accident that I started noticing weird patterns. Apparently she didn't want my dad marrying anyone.
So my dad passed away in a car accident on his way to work. Before he passed away he had brought a woman home to my grandmother and told her that he had been seeing her for a while and she was pregnant and he wanted to marry her.
My grandmother was very hurt,I remember listening to her weeping in the middle of the night. She begged my dad for weeks not to get married but he was tired of not being a husband with his own home. He made it clear that he was not going to change his mind.
A couple of months later just a few weeks to his lobola day he and his girlfriend died in a car accident. Honestly I knew that my grandmother was expecting it. The way she took the news in showed that she has been expecting it.
We went to the mortuary to identify the body and after identifying the body she asked to be left alone with my dad. Which was very weird,she had a 5kg bucket and a small brown broom that looked like it had been buried for decades.
She came out after lord knows what she was doing and she went straight to the car. The whole way from the mortuary she wasn't talking to anyone nor looking at anyone. She closed her eyes with the bucket Sitting on her lap, holding on to it with her dear life.
When we arrived she went straight to her room and locked the door. She was there for about 30 mins or so and when she came out she looked very tired and she was sweaty as if she had been running.
Anywhere let me fast forward to the point. Since my dad's funeral,no one was allowed in his room. She would keep the room locked all the time. No one was allowed in the room not even myself.
I started realising how my grandmother would always dish an extra plate,mostly she would cook my dad's favourite meals. She literally would always dish an extra plate and when I asked about she said that she was used to dishing up for my father and it will take her a while to get used to the fact that he was no more.
At first it made sense but it started getting weird when I'd hear voices at night while I was sleeping. It wasn't my dad's voice but it was hers and someone else but it would sound like they were talking to someone else who wouldn't answer.
This went on for about ten years until she fell ill. She was bedridden and would always ask me to dish two plates for her. When I wouldn't she would scream in the middle of the night, screaming my dad's name and apologising for not dishing up for him.
She would scream so loud and Begg me to wake up and dish up for my dad. It would scare me a lot because how? When she passed away we started seeing my dad roaming around the house especially the kitchen in the middle of the night.
We consulted and we we told that my grandmother is responsible for my dad's death and she had kept him as her zombie so that he continues working for him even in death he should continue taking are of her.
She apparently did all this because she didn't want him getting married, because that would make him abandon her. The Inyanga came home with us to lay my dad's spirit to rest. He opened my dad's room and there were so many food crumbs on the floor.
It smelled bad,it was too dark because she had even covered the window with a thick blanket to prevent light from entering the room. It was dusty and had a smell of rotten food . It was just dirty. The Inyanga started chanting and calling my dad's clan names while sprinkling water with Muti in the room.
Suddenly it got cold and very dark,then it became very very bright. My dad appeared,he was sitting at the corner of the room looking very scared and he had tears in his eyes. He was trying to hide away from us even balling his body.
I have never ever in my life been that terrified. I was told not to run away and be brave. I was told that should I run then his spirit will keep coming back,by being weak I would be making his spirit stronger. And his spirit was no longer a good spirit ,it was a bad spirit which could cause a lot of damage.
As the Inyanga was summoning him to return to return to his grave and go be a good ancestor,he was also sprinkling some Muti on him which seemed to hurt him. My poor dad wanted to scream but he had no voice.
He opened his mouth trying to scream and I noticed that he had no tongue. Apparently that's what happens to zombies,their tongues get removed. He then disappeared into thin air and the black bead necklace fell on the ground. I was told to take it and go bury it in the forests so that he may never find his way home.
I have moved out of that house and now live with my mom's sister. I feel so bad for not believing them when they warned me about my grandmother but they have forgiven me,welcomed me home and life moved on.
I'm also seeing good progress in my life. I used to be slow academically but since the cleansing I have graduated now and I'm just seeking for a job. My paternal grandmother had locked my brains in a mayonnaise bottle so I may never succeeded in life but I am now free and doing well.
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