We kept spirits from the accidents in cold drink bottles at our home. Sanibonani and I ask you to keep me anonymous Admin and I would appreciate it if I'm not harshly judged.
I was just a kid born and bred in a small village somewhere in KZN. I lived with my mom's uncle and his wife together with their children ofcos. My mom's parents passed away when she was young and she ended up living with her uncle who inherited her grandparent's house.
My mom was someone who lived with a mental disability. That made her spend most of her life in a mental institute. It's not clear who my dad is to this day because today she says it's this one and the next day she says it's another one. I ended up giving up the hunt for my identity.
My uncle got married to a very bad woman who made me do very scary things. I am even scared of myself because of the horrible things I have done. Whenever I would refuse to do anything she wants me to do in darkness she would make sure I live to regret the decision.
She made my life a living horror without a doubt. My aunt had what most people call tikoloshis,those were normal people just like you and I but the people had no tongue nor brains. My aunt controlled and used them for dark things.
She also had a very huge snake that lived in our house on the curtain rails. The snake was hard to be spotted but we knew that it was there and it existed. That's the snake my aunt used to cause accidents at a very busy road next to our village.
She would send the tikoloshis,her kids and I out at night and ask us to bring a new spirit once a month. Everytime we brought the spirit home then the snake would make her a lot of money but the amount depended on the spirit we brought home.
We would literally get naked at night and start dancing on the busy road,while one of us played a drum which we danced tirelessly to. When a car approached the driver alone could see us and most times the driver would try to swerve of the slippery road and that's how the accidents would occur.
The snake would be there watching and each time someone died on the scene then their spirits would be captured straight into the snake. Then we would take the chosen spirit home where the snake would release the spirit to my aunt who would capture it in a 2L bottle.
We had a huge room that was filled with fridges and 2L bottles. When looking at the bottles one would think they are empty but someone with a gift would see the people trapped in the bottles. My aunt was rich and owned a few successful businesses which she used the spirits and the snake for the success.
Trouble began when my aunt passed away leaving us with all her things. She taught us a lot of things but she forgot to teach us how to tame the spirits. Our grandparents home became a haunted home.
The spirits and tikoloshis started working together to expose us. They would stand by the windows at night from the inside ofcos and started calling out passed boy's names. They would call their names and wave at them. This would mostly be seen by those drunkards coming back from Tarvens after midnight.
Word of mouth spreads news faster than a bullet. Before we know it we had the community breaking down our door, surrounding our house demanding answers. We tried playing dumb but we were burnt inside the house. I managed to escape without being seen and ran to the police station for help.
Although I had serious 3rd degree burns and to this day I still live with serious scars,however I am grateful for life and being given a second chance. I now live with another aunt who is a serious zcc member.
She took me to her church where I had to confess everything if I wanted to start the healing journey and a journey of forgiveness. Everyone in the village still hates me and they avoid making interactions at all cost.
My life is nothing short of loneliness and sadness. I wish I had spoken sooner and seeked help from the community before anything happened. The snake still follows me around. It scares me so much because this means if I have kids they would be the sacrifice.
How does one get out of this life for good because for as far I see things I don't think there is a way out. Please help me.
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