



Hi admin please hide my name,this is my account and I'd like to tell my story because I've been asked far too many times about my scars,3rd degree burns scars.

I now live in a different country and I've never told anyone my story this side,I've just been trying to move away from the past. Yes it's hard to do so because I have my past scard all over me. I got married very young, fortunately to a very amazing man.

Unfortunately I had no idea that I was getting married into a very evil family. My mother in-law hated me with a passion but she tolerated me because her son loved me so dearly. My mother in-law was into dark things,that way she recruited her children too.

Including my very kind husband. My husband was kind of slow and I thought he was born that way. Only to later find out that it's because his Mom has control over his brain. I am not sure how that works but she's able to control him at night.

My husband had a tendency of sleep walkie and I thought it's just one of those medical conditions only to find out that he was sleep walking to do night errands. There were nights where I could save him but there were nights were I needed saving.

On nights that I needed savin,I'd get a very deep sleep paralysis. I'd see my mother in-law in a dream doing things to me. She could be pressing me down to the bed while choking me or holding me down so that a monkey she's with sleeps with me.

I'd wake up in so much pain and I wouldn't wake up from it until my husband is back from running night errands. Believe you me,it was horrible. When he wakes up in the morning he would be like someone who had amnesia over night.

My mother in-law tried so many times to end my life but failed dismally. She has sent her night animals to attack me,she has set Muti by my gate so that I step on it and fall sick to death.

But I always see her in my dreams while she's performing all this things. The last stroke was when she planned death upon my life and unfortunately the car that she put Muti on to cause an accident ended up being driven by her son that week. 

In just one week he was involved in 5 minor accidents and the 6th one took his life,it was fatal. We didn't tell anyone about the minor ones as he was out of town. We didn't think much of it. You should've seen his mom when she heard that he is no more. She even poo'd on herself.

A year later I got a job opportunity far from home and I decided that I was taking my husband with me. Little did I know that would cause me problems. I exhumed him myself and took his remains and put them in one of my bags. 

Kept them safe and unfortunately a few months later in our new home our helper found them and called the community on me. I worked as a teacher in a very rural village where they believe witches should be burnt. They did not even want to hear my explanation.

All I saw was a very angry mob marching into my class,dragging me out of my class and straight to my house. They surrounded the house so I don't escape and set it on fire. The police came to my rescue although it was almost too late. But somehow I survived and lived to tell my story.