My Secret to Endless Wealth (A South African Confession)
I never thought my life would turn out like this. I wanted money, just like everyone else. But I was tired of working hard and seeing nothing change. I heard stories about people who got rich overnight. Some said they had "things" that helped them—things from Zimbabwe.
One day, I met a man who told me about the **money snake**. He said it was easy. "You just take care of it, and it will bring you money," he promised. I was desperate. I didn’t ask many questions. I traveled to Zimbabwe and got the snake. It was small at first, almost cute.
At first, it worked like magic. Every morning, money appeared in my house. Sometimes under my bed, sometimes in my wardrobe. I didn’t know where it came from, but I didn’t care. I was rich, and life was sweet. I bought a big house, nice clothes, and even a car. People started respecting me.
But then, things changed.
One night, the snake spoke to me in a dream. It said, **"You must give me something in return."** I woke up shaking. I didn’t understand. The man who gave it to me never said anything about paying back.
Then, I stopped getting my periods. I went to the doctor, but they found nothing wrong. Months passed, and I realized—**I could never have children.** That’s when I knew what the snake had taken from me.
I tried to get rid of it. I took it far away, threw it into a river, and even burned its cage. But every night, it came back. It waits for me, watching. If I try to fight it, my money disappears.
I remember the last time I had my period. It was different. The blood was **black, sticky, and slimy**. It smelled horrible, like something rotten. The cramps were so painful that I thought I was dying. I had never felt period pain before, but that day, it was like my womb was being ripped out of me. And maybe it was—because that was the last time I ever bled. After that, nothing. Just emptiness.
Now, I am married, but my husband **mocks me every day** for not giving him children. We are married in community, so he knows leaving me means losing half of everything, but he has already moved on in his own way. He has **twins** with another woman, and he makes sure I feel their presence. He video calls her in front of me, laughing and playing with the babies, telling me to accept them because *I failed as a woman*. I have all the money in the world, but I have never been this unhappy.
Now, I live in fear. I have everything I ever wanted, but I have lost something bigger. I don’t know what to do. If you ever think of getting a money snake, **don’t do it.** I wish I could go back, but it’s too late for me.
This is my story. Believe it or not, it’s the truth.
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