



Admin please keep me anonymous,for my own safety. I did something horrible many years ago,i.was just young and stupid. So a few years ago my bestfriend and I moved in together. We were still in our early twenties and had just gotten out of police academy.

We were lucky to have been stationed in the same police station so we decided since it was far from home,we would find a nice apartment a d share it until such a time we needed our own space.

We loved spending time together and we had gotten used to being around each other almost everytime. One day I was sent off to a tip off at some club , apparently it was said that the club sold drugs so I and a couple other colleagues were sent there.

When we got there,I am more than anything embarassed to admit that we were bribed with a lot of money. I was very hesitant at first but the colleagues that I was with who were my seniors convinced me that everyone in the police Industry does it and it was okay.

They gave me a good 10 minutes lecture and I could see that I was starting to annoy them. Little did I know that taking such bribes were very addictive. We found foreign rich men with SA women.

I started going there whenever I was broke and obviously I would string in favours for them to ease their corruption and they would definitely make it worth a while. However with time I realised that they were giving more money to the ladies they sleep with.

You should've seen the cars the ladies drove,their expensive handbags,shoes, wigs etc. Every woman's dream. I then convinced my best friend to date one of them for our own benefits. We went through their Instagram accounts and she saw the kind of life they could give us.

We were both not earning enough to feed our families. We came from families where we were both bread winners. Our salary was not enough at all. My friend agreed to just go meet them. I knew she was more of their preference because she had big boobs and a big behind . 

Me on the other hand was just slender pencil. Anyway I called one of the guys and told him that my friend and I will be joining him that night,he asked that I send him my friend's pictures. I sent the pictures and he was very impressed. He told me that if I make my friend to home with him on that night he would give us 100K.

That was news to my ears. I was so excited and greed got the best of me. I knew that if I told my friend that he wanted to sleep with her on the first night she would never have agreed. She was someone with deep rooted morals. I had to find a way to make it happen and sadly spiking her drinks while we were there was the only way.

I also lied to her and said that he said he would give us 70K for just entertaining them and I told her that she could give me 30K and take 40K. She said it's fine as long as they don't touch her then she's game.

When we arrived I had to spike her on the first drink. Suddenly she looked very drunk and behaved exactly how they wanted her. Loose and then he took her home. 

The next day when they brought her back she was so angry at me for allowing this to happen to her. I convinced her that I tried dragging her home and she refused. I feel so horrible for all the betrayals and lies.

A couple of days later my friend started experiencing painful cramps on her private part and her boobs were also getting very swollen. There was a huge lump on both of them. Fee months later she was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer. 

She had both her breasts removed and did some surgery on the cervix not sure what exactly they removed or did there. This happened over a period of one year and I've just been feeling so horrible I wish I could now sacrifice myself too.

She has recently been back at work and she'd been avoiding me,she even moved out without telling me. We don't work same shifts so I haven't seen her in a while but some of our colleagues told me that she's not looking good at all,even her teeth are now falling off. 

We are not at an age where losing teeth is a thing. She blocked me everywhere without saying a word and I am guessing she also thinks I'm responsible for her sleeping with ritualists. But honestly I really didn't know that they were ritualists and she was being sacrificed. We would've never mixed with them in the first place.

I tried sending her the entire amount of 100K and she sent it back to my aunt. Without a word only the reference showed that it was sent by her. I miss my bestfriend and I can not live with the guilt anymore. By the time you share this confession I will be long gone. Today is my last day on earth.

If no one finds the letter I wrote I hope she sees this. I'm only anonymous to those who don't know me but to everyone who knows my story with my bestfriend I am sure you figured who I am from the second line already.

All I want to say to her is how sorry I truly am. I regret it so so much. I am so so sorry to her siblings aswell because by hurting her I've hurt them more knowing very well that she os