



I am scared to share my story as I feel like history might repeat itself. I was told never to share this with anyone until I was certain that the curse was removed.

I believe it was removed because I am now married and no longer experience bad luck around me. I once met a man I worked with at one of famous restaurants.

We were both watrons. He was from a different country and I was in my home country. I had never in my life dated someone from a different country,he was my first. 

He started persuading me out of the blue and showing interest yet we worked 3 years together and he has never shown me any sign of being interested in and I was never interested in him too so I was unbothered.

I honestly believe that he used Muti to make me interested in him. He asked me out about three times and I turned him down. Then one day he came to work with a gift for me,it was Valentine's day and I didn't think much of it.

I accepted the gift,but I wasn't planning on keeping it since I was in a relationship outside of work. A long term relationship,so the plan was just to dump it somewhere on my way home after work.

The present was a perfume. When he gave it to me he literally made sure I spray the perfume on myself. He insisted I do so before putting it away. I sprayed it on my self just to get him out of my hair and put it in the locker then went to do my job.

After work when it was time to go home,it was nowhere to be found. I acted worried just so he doesn't think I didn't want it but deep down I was relieved. It saved me the guilt of having to throw it away.

I told him that the perfume went missing and he didn't seem bothered. He was like really? Don't worry I'll get you another one. And the conversation was dismissed just like that. The next day he came to work in a very happy mood,he was wearing and red and black beads.

We teased him and said he had it all last night and that even includes a new necklace. He giggled and continued with his work. That night when I got home I couldn't stop thinking about him. Not just that,I also dreamt about him and I doing the deeds. Which was very strange but I kept it to myself either way. 

When getting to work,just seeing him made me so happy. I started following around like a puppy. I wanted to make small talks with him. The guy had dry jokes and I found myself giggling at them. I became very attracted to him and after a week or two we started dating.

I slept at his place for the first time and I was shocked when he gave me 10K in the morning.  We didn't even make half of that where we worked so this should have been my wake up call but I was ignorant.

In a couple of days he showed signs of being moneyed and work was just becoming boring for him and he resigned. We continued dating and I also noticed that he would only want me around him on days that I would be on my periods only. 

A lot was just off with that guy but I was overlooking even the obvious signs. He had a very dark room that he would go in there whenever I was there. Each time I visited him I'd sleep with a panty on and wake up without it and it would then be missing.

His bed would be wet with my monthly woman things and he would always offer to clean it up and just take the sheets away into the dark room and say he would wash them later and he would never do.

I'd always be having bad cramps whenever I was in that house,stomach cramps. But i didn't think much of it. Until one day while I was sleeping I had serious painful cramps that literally woke me up in the middle of the night.

I could smell a scent of burnt Muti and smoke in the air,the room was filled with smoke aswell. My heart jumped to my throat when I noticed there was a huge snake next to me,it was black in colour with red and black colours on the knecklace he had. 

I jumped out of bed and rubbed my eyes to see if I was dreaming and I literally watched the snake transform back to the guy right before my eyes. I have never in my life been so scared. I looked for my shoes under the bed and I noticed a calabash with my picture,a used pad and black wool and paper money in it.

I jumped up and ran straight to the door and ran off. I somehow made it home, by God's grace. I remember being at the police station telling them I survived kidnapping and r@pe because I was literally half naked.

They took me home after taking statements and all. For a year or two I was experiencing bad stomach cramps and bad body odour not forgetting things going well. But I'm okay now and I am happy after getting the help I need.

The guy has since disappeared and he has never tried to contact me after the incident. I am happy to be alive and I hope sharing this won't bring him back to me.